FirstFruits Prayer Ministries is a prophetic ministry

FirstFruits Prayer Ministries is a prophetic ministry

FirstFruits Prayer Ministries is a prophetic ministry. What does the word prophetic mean? The word prophetic means “hear from God”. We are a ministry that teaches, trains, and releases those individuals, in their specific callings to do a work for God. It is essential that we put God first in everything we do because our world is moving towards its own ideas and creations. Prophetic ministry teaches us about the present-day move of God as well as what He is speaking to us on what we are to do for the body of Christ and ourselves.

We see much trouble in our world today and the only way to control it is to have a personal relationship with its creator. Our Lord speaks to us every day and He is with us always. He wants us to live our lives abundantly. It is time to move forward on what He wants to do. We tried our lives our way, now let’s trust Him and try His word.
FirstFruits Prayer Ministries teaches prayer classes to help those who want to pray the word and see their prayers answered. Those classes are now being taught through Zoom starting October 23, 2021, and conclude December 4, 2021. What an opportunity to grasp the true meaning of prayer.

Pastor Darleen Smith has earned her Master’s degree in Theology and has taught and will be teaching at the Victorious Tabernacle University in Easton, Maryland. She is available to teach prophetic classes, created and authored by Dr. Bill Hamon at the Christian International School of the Prophetic when requested by pastors and leaders of your church. These prophetic classes are detailed, in-depth studies of prophetic ministry strictly bible-based. Please refer to to register your request.

This is one of the most marvelous, fascinating times to see the powerful move of the Highest God. Jesus Christ, the son of God, spoke in Matthew 16:2-3 “When it is evening, ye say It will be fair weather for the sky is red. And in the morning, it will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and lowering, O ye hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky, but can you not discern the signs of the time?

We promise you we do not want to face our Lord and Savior and hear Him say that to us. We believe you were created for a time such as this.

May the Lord richly bless you in your journey for Christ.

One response to “FirstFruits Prayer Ministries is a prophetic ministry”

  1. Very interesting information

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