Hello and Welcome

 Hello and Welcome to First Fruits Prayer Ministries,

I am hoping to share with you each week what is not only on my heart but what I believe God is saying.  I want to start out by saying that no matter what you are going through or what you have to face, we, as God’s people together, have the victory in Christ Jesus.

Each morning I rise, I thank the Lord Most High of His mercy for allowing me to awaken.  Each morning, I catch a light rail train and then a bus to work.  I see people gathering close to the bus, smoking their cigarettes and chatting way about what the day is going to bring.  Some are eating breakfast sandwiches and a few a just looking and waiting for the train.  As I look-into heir eyes, and notice their demeanor, I see the pain in their faces.  Some get on the light rail talking out loud, some to no one.  Some are using corrupt communication to help them feel secure and strong about themselves.  Many are crawled up in their seats asleep because they have slept on the bus all night, have no other place to sleep or it’s just to early in the morning for them.

Even though there is pain in their faces, you can see how beautiful God has made them, perfectly shaped faces, strong statutes and healthy looking.  Their singing is disturbing at times, but God has given many beautiful voices.  You are perfectly made in Christ Jesus.  There are those who keep their faces and ears on their phones pads.  They keep these constantly going, looking at where they can to drown out their problems.  Some phones are so loud they even drown out other people’s problems, at times.

In this message to you who are reading, I pray that I don’t offend you but want to encourage you that the good news is every pain, every sorrow; every struggle is to make you strong.  You will never be without problems but Jesus Christ makes those seasonal struggles so much able to bear.  He makes our burdens so light.  Even in our purposeful sin, He is still prating and comforting you.  You are not alone and every other person you see is going through.  But, Jesus Christ is the light, He is your strength, He is your joy and even your provider.  You have trusted yourself and every one you know.  Will this be the day you trust Jesus?

I know this sounds like the same of message you’ve heard before, but what have you got to lose?  What is so glorious about this word is that it is for you, you personally, you alone.  Jesus wants to reach into that painful area and draw that pain right out.  He will replace it with soothing peace and rest and happiness.  I know you say, yeah, but I need money.  I need a place to stay and food to eat.  Is this Jesus going to do that?

What are you willing to do?  Are you willing to put away yourself and what you think will get you money, food and a place to stay?  Are you willing to step beyond everything you know and trust the one who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords a place in your life?  It’s up to you.  I know that whatever the problem Jesus Christ,  the son of the Most High God, will bring you out.

How do I know?  I was in the very same place that you are in right now.

May God richly bless you and keep you.

Dr. Darleen M. Smith