First Fruits Prayer Ministry

First Fruits Prayer Ministry

Scriptural Foundation: Proverbs 3:9
“Honor the Lord with your substance, and with the first-fruits of all your increase. So shall your barns be filled with plenty, and your presses shall burst out with new wine.”

As we move forward in our ministry, we believe that God will guide and shape our path. Currently, our mission is clear and impactful. Here’s how we aim to make a difference and invite you to be a part of this exciting journey:

1. Prioritizing God in Every Aspect of Life
Learn how to put God first in your daily life and develop a deeper, personal relationship with Him. Discover how to depend on God for your provision and experience His transformative presence.

2. Understanding Generosity and Stewardship
Gain a true understanding of giving and tithing. Our goal is to free the church from financial stress and ensure that we remain focused on our spiritual mission without distraction.

3. Gaining Insight through Prophetic Intercession
Through prophetic intercession, we seek to bring clarity to what God is doing in our current season. Join us as we discern His will and move forward with purpose.

4. Standing in the Gap with Purposeful Prayer
If you have a heart to intercede for others, learn how to effectively pray and stand in the gap without stepping ahead of God or becoming overly unconventional. We provide guidance on maintaining balance and effectiveness in your intercessory prayers.

5. Uniting Leaders for a Greater Cause
We aim to bring together like-minded leaders within our city to unite in prayer and dismantle ungodly strongholds. Be part of a powerful collective effort to make a lasting impact.

6. Seeking Truth and Divine Revelation
Dive deep into the Word of God with us. We focus on bringing genuine, inspired truths to our community, avoiding misconceptions and self-glorification.

7. Embracing True Love and Healing
Explore the true meaning of love from a godly perspective and find healing and faith for the Church body. Let’s grow together in love and compassion.

8. Equipping Future Leaders
We are committed to teaching, equipping, activating, and releasing those called to the five-fold ministry—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Join us as we strive to perfect the saints and build up the Body of Christ, moving towards unity in faith and knowledge of the Son of God.

Ephesians 4:11-13
“And He gave some, apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers; (12) for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (13) Till we come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God; to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

Be part of this exciting mission. Together, let’s honor God, grow in faith, and make a powerful impact in our community.

What We Believe

At our core, we hold to these foundational beliefs that shape our faith and guide our journey:

1. The Authority of Scripture
We affirm that the Bible, the Holy Word of God, is the infallible and inspired authority for our lives.

2. The Trinity
We believe in one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—a divine unity that guides and sustains us.

3. The Divinity of Jesus Christ
We celebrate Jesus Christ as the Son of the Father, the First Person of the Trinity. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, bodily resurrection, ascension, and His future return.

4. The Role of the Holy Spirit
We honor the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity who testifies of Jesus Christ and empowers believers for a vibrant and effective ministry.

5. Forgiveness Through Christ
We proclaim that forgiveness of sins is available only through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

6. Salvation Through Faith
We believe that salvation comes through accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. His death and resurrection offer redemption from sin, which is received by faith.

7. Divine Healing
We trust in divine healing, provided through the stripes that were placed upon Jesus Christ.

8. The Covenant of Communion
We recognize communion as a sacred covenant meal, representing the Last Supper of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It symbolizes our unity with Christ and with each other.

9. The Significance of Water Baptism
We practice water baptism as a powerful symbol of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

10. Joyful Worship
We embrace worship with exuberance and reverence, honoring the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as the one true and living God. Our worship includes:
Singing: Psalm 30:4, 95:1
Kneeling: Psalm 95:6, Luke 22:41
Standing: Psalm 134:1, 135:2
Lifting Hands: Psalm 134:3, 1 Timothy 2:8
Clapping Hands: Psalm 4:1, 98:8
Dancing: Psalm 149:3, 150:4
Shouting: Psalm 35:27, 47:1
Musical Instruments: Psalm 150:3-5, 2 Samuel 6:5
Prophetic Song: Psalm 40:3, 96:1, 98:1

11. Prophetic and Intercessory Ministry
We are committed to the prophetic and intercessory ministries to bring enlightenment and peace to our world, reflecting God’s truth and love.

Join us as we live out these beliefs with passion and commitment, growing in faith and unity as we journey together.

First Fruits's Services

Our ministry caters to all seeking the love of God. Navigate through our services to see what suits your needs. Some of our features include 24 Hour Prayer Line, TYCE - The Young Christian Experience and especially our Prayer Initiative!


Biography Dr. Darleen Smith was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. She is a born again Christian and has walked with the Lord for forty years and has earned her associate degree, bachelor’s degree, and master’s degree from Life Christian University, Lutz Florida. She received her Prophetess Ordination from Reconciliation Ministries, Aurora, Colorado which is a member of the Networking of Churches through Christian International, […]


Prophetic Ministry Prophecy is hearing the voice of the Lord and then relating that word to the individuals God wants to hear that word. Only those with a prophetic background will minister to individuals. Each Friday night, a course in the prophetic ministry will be taught for those who want to learn how to hear the voice of the Lord, or if God has called […]

24 Hour Prayer Line

Intercession Intercession is standing in the gap, or praying in the spirit, for someone or something against the rebellious forces. Intercession takes individuals who live prayerful life, a life of submission and obedience to the Lord, one who understands and knows how to take direction and orders without getting offended. When one enters Intercession, they first must be prayed up and have had time intimately […]

Consulting Ministry

Invitation to Leaders and Scholars: Join Us in Shaping the Future of New Ministries                                                   Dear Esteemed Leaders and Scholars We extend a warm invitation to you to engage with FirstFruits Prayer Ministries as part of our consulting initiative. This opportunity […]

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FirstFruits Prayer Ministries is a prophetic ministry

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The Young Christian Experience

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Welcome to First Fruits Prayer Ministries!

🌟 Thank You for Your Support! 🌟

We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has prayed for and supported the launch of First Fruits Prayer Ministries. Your faith and encouragement have brought us to this exciting moment. As we move forward, our mission is to deepen our focus on Prophetic and Prayer ministries, and we are thrilled to invite you to be part of our new prayer initiative.

Join Us in Prayer

We invite you to participate in our weekly prayer sessions, held every Thursday night from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. You can commit to praying for just one hour during this time. Each week, we’ll share the specific prayer focus, and we welcome you to share any insights or messages you receive from God regarding the topic.

How to Get Involved

📧 Email:
📬 Post Office Box: P.O. Box 566, Glen Burnie, MD, United States, 21061
📞 Phone Number: (443) 374-5776

To ensure everyone can stay connected, especially those without internet access, please provide your mailing address when you reach out. This will allow us to send important updates and instructions directly to you.

Upcoming Prayer Initiative

Our first prayer initiative kicks off in January 2024, focusing on the crucial topic of “Gun Control.” We are passionate about seeing our homes, cities, and state free from gun violence. Future prayer topics will include domestic violence, drug issues, school safety, relationships, and more—addressing pressing concerns that require our collective prayer and action.

Our Goal

Unity is our primary goal. We seek to understand what God is saying and how we can act in obedience to bring His presence back into areas of need—homes, schools, and communities.

We are excited about what God is doing and look forward to your active participation in this powerful ministry. Together, let’s make a difference through prayer.

May God richly bless you!

With anticipation and gratitude,

Dr. Darleen M. Smith

Prayer Initiative

Dr. Darleen M. Smith

Welcome to FirstFruits Prayer Ministries, a Christian ministry, believing in the Trinity.

Dr. Smith teaches prophetic classes. If you would like to know more about her, please click here.

I want to take this opportunity to thank Kellie Hall, Senior Minister of First Fruits Prayer Ministries, Pastors Lawrence and Shay Williamson of Victorious Tabernacle, Ministers Willie and Hattie Coleman, Pastor Barbra Brown of River of Life Worship Center, as well as Dr. Regina Lewis of Philosophy of Educational Leadership along with many others who stuck by this ministry when we were going through some hard times. I am pleased to announce that FirstFruits Prayer Ministries will be having their first prayer classes starting Saturday, October 23, 2021 from 9:00 am. To 10:00 a.m. These classes will be every Saturday morning for seven sessions. Through Zoom, you will be able to connect to our classes and enjoy revelated knowledge on how to pray, why we pray and what is the benefits of praying.

As a donation to our Ministry, a $35.00 donation for each class is requested. This is not a credited class. You will need to register by filling out the attached document, sending it to our email address or mailing it to the address below and enclose your first donation of $35.00 or a total of $245.00 for all seven classes. You may send your donations through Cash App, or our Post Office by money order. We will need to receive your donation no later than one week before the classes start. On the first Saturday, right before the session start, we will email you the sign on information. This class is limited to twenty individuals.

Because of how our world is changing, making our opportunities of living more difficult each day, we are assured that learning how to pray is going to change your life. May God richly bless you in your endeavor to make your relationship with the Most High God, a fruitful one.
Pastor Darleen M. Smith
FirstFruits Prayer Ministries
P.O. Box 566
Glen Burnie, MD 21060

Cash App: $DarleenMSmith

We would like pastors and ministers to come and participate in our Prayer Initiative.

Please feel free to Contact FirstFruits Prayer Ministry and share!